We subsidise the price of grave-lease fees at the Podkraj and Škale cemeteries.

By law, the municipality must co-finance this service in the amount of 50%. However, we have opted for what is known as a social scale under which we provide co-funding in an average amount of 80%. This way we provide additional help for our citizens.

Home help includes assistance in maintaining personal hygiene, assistance with household chores and assistance in maintaining social contacts, and thus constitutes a form of assistance which can contribute to staying at home as long as possible. It is intended for citizens who, owing to old age or severe disability, are no longer able to take care of personal hygiene themselves, with their relatives being unable to help them sufficiently. A beneficiary who is unable to pay for the service can claim exemption from the payment at the locally competent social work centre.

The provider of home help service is the Velenje Adult Care Home.

Help at home includes:

  • assistance with basic daily tasks (assistance with dressing/undressing, assistance with cleaning, feeding, performing basic needs and maintenance and care of personal orthopaedic aids);
  • assistance with household chores (bringing one meal a day, buying food and preparing one meal a day, basic cleaning of a house or a flat where a person lives, washing used dishes, making the bed and basic cleaning of a room where a person sleeps),
  • assistance in maintaining social contacts (establishing a social network with the environment, volunteers, relatives; monitoring the beneficiary in performing essential tasks; informing institutions about the beneficiary’s condition and needs; preparing the beneficiary for institutional care).

Home help is a professionally managed social care service provided by social workers, every day of the year between 6 AM and 10 PM.

Home help coordinator

Valerija Kidrič, BSc Social Work
T: 051 487 092
E: valerija.kidric@domvelenje.si


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