For young people and families

By introducing a number of measures, we want to provide young people with the best possible opportunities for life and work in our city. Consequently, we have implemented quite a few measures recently.
Thus, in 2022 we published the very first call for the allocation of special-purpose rental flats for young people. As early as in June 2022, the first five flats were allocated to those meeting the criteria.
We have also reduced the municipal infrastructure levy for young people by 50%. In addition, we are allocating more funds to follow the goals of the local youth development programme, we actively include young people in various development projects, and we have increased the amount of a one-off childbirth grant by 100% (the grant now amounts to EUR 300). We promote the operation of the SAŠA start-up incubator and support young entrepreneurs who are at the beginning of their career. In 2022 we also published the very first call for the allocation of subsidies covering the costs of loans which young people of our municipality raise with the aim of purchasing or constructing their own residential property. An amount of EUR 15,000 has been earmarked for this purpose in the budget.

In a few years’ time, we will need young people with specific knowledge and skills to take up the jobs that the restructuring process will create. Consequently, we are already researching and planning how to put young people on the right educational track TODAY so that TOMORROW their knowledge and skills will be of use to the entire local community while providing quality life both for themselves and their families.